Ressources provided in the frame of the project

Some related papers of team members before the project

Baynes ERC, D Lague, P Steer, S Bonnet, L Illien, (2020). Sediment flux‐driven channel geometry adjustment of bedrock and mixed gravel–bedrock rivers. Esurf,  45 (14), 3714-3731

Zavala, S. Carretier, V Regard, S Bonnet, R Riquelme, S Choy, (2021). Along Stream Variations in Valley Flank Erosion Rates Measured Using 10Be Concentrations in Colluvial Deposits From Canyons in the Atacama Desert. GRL, 48 (5), e2020GL0899


Access to numerical codes

sources of Cidre code on GitLab

Website with pedagogical material on landscape evolution models